Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder that affects millions of women worldwide…
5 Signs You Should Consider Medications for Anxiety
40 million Americans suffer from anxiety and find that they need medication to help control anxiety symptoms. If you’re wondering whether you need medications for anxiety or not, then you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, we’re going to provide you with some signs that may mean you need to begin taking medications. We encourage you to read this article from start to finish because it can be just what you need to ensure you get the help that you need.
1. Always Nervous
One of the most common symptoms of someone that has issues with anxiety is constant nervousness. The nervousness may make it challenging to leave your home and complete activities.
When you’re always nervous and on edge, your heart can beat so loud that you hear it in your eardrums. In some cases, your anxiety may be enough to trigger a full-blown panic attack.
If you find yourself in a constant state of panic, it’s time to seek help from your doctor to control these things.
2. Anxiety Keeps Your From Positive Experiences
Often in life, there are a ton of things that happen to us that are positive. If you’re someone who suffers from anxiety, you might miss out on these positive events because of your anxiety.
For example, your boss has offered you an opportunity to speak at a work engagement to show him you’re ready for a corner office. Instead of accepting the engagement, you turn it down because of your anxiety and watch someone else take the promotion that was as good as yours.
Anxiety can cause you to second guess things and not do them because you’re worried that you’ll be embarrassed or feel uncomfortable. Perhaps the anxiousness comes from a fear of failure or not wanting to mess up.
When talking to your doctor, they’ll be able to discuss how the use of medication will help to minimize these feelings and help you manage your anxiety.
3. Body Aches Caused By Muscle Tension
When you’re anxious, your body holds a lot of tension and tightens itself. When you remain in this tightened posture, you may notice that you’ll begin to feel various pains.
Whether the body pain is in your back, neck, or jaw, it’s likely caused by your anxiety. Instead of allowing all of that tension to build up and lead to body aches, find ways to release it.
Your doctor may be able to suggest ways to release your anxiety while taking medicine to help with your symptoms.
4. Unable To Focus
When you’re anxious, your mind can focus on a thousand things at once or fixate on one single thing. Whatever you’re fixating on can make it challenging to complete schoolwork or other things that you need to have finished.
Instead of missing deadlines or rushing to finish in time, medication can help you to focus more on your work and less time on being anxious. We aren’t saying you’ll become hyper-focused, but when you’re able to calm down, it is easier to prioritize and get things done.
5. Easily Irritated
You’ll find that being anxious and on edge all the time leads you to be easily irritated. This may mean that someone can ask you an innocent question, and instead of answering, you go off on them—leaving them confused about what they did to set you off.
Anxiety medication can help take the edge off and, in turn, will reduce the feeling of irritation that comes from being anxious all the time.
Anxiety Options For Medications
When it comes to medication options to help treat your anxiety, there are quite a few that your doctor may consider prescribing to you. Each has its own set of side effects that you may experience from using them.
And some of the medications are better for short-term use while others work for long-term anxiety control.
Antidepressants are intended to help improve symptoms of depression and can also be used as a medication to treat anxiety disorders. There are a variety of antidepressants that can be prescribed.
However, each has its own side effects. For example, Tricyckics can be prescribed at a low level and adjusted if the lower dosage isn’t working for you. You’ll find that with this antidepressant, you may experience fatigue and weight gain.
Whereas, if you take an antidepressant such as Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors, you could experience food aversions and increased blood pressure.
This medication can help adjust the receptors in the brain that cause anxiety symptoms and can be used both long and short term. However, you should know that this medication takes upwards of a month to begin taking effect.
When taking this medication, you may notice side effects like insomnia and headaches. If you experience these things, your doctor may need to consider adjusting your dosage accordingly.
Meditation is the art of becoming in tune with your body and learning to block out the outside world’s noises. While in the beginning you may struggle to not hear every sound around you, but as time continues, it’ll become easier.
Meditation focuses on your breathing and transferring negative energy into positive energy to benefit you and your body. If you’re not sure how meditation works, there are a variety of instructors on the internet that can walk you through your first couple of meditation sessions.
You’ll find that the more you do it, the easier it will become to enter a state of calm and quiet your thoughts.
Medications For Anxiety: Do You Need Them?
When it comes to medications for anxiety, it’s crucial that if you’re showing any of the signs listed, it’s time to talk to your doctor about a plan to get your anxiety under control. There’s nothing wrong with needing extra help when your anxiety has begun to take over your life.
If you’re looking into buying medicine online that’s been prescribed to you, contact us today. We can walk you through placing your order to ensure that you get your medication promptly.